Highway Law - Advanced

Not only do changes in statute affect the manner in which we deal with highway issues, case law makes us re-examine working practices.

This course will discuss the various ways in which the rights of way over a highway are organised by a highway authority and the effect on members of the public. It will examine the duties of the highway authority, including maintenance as well as the discretionary powers of improvement and the role of council officers and members in the decision-making process. The course will include interesting and unusual case law, statutory provisions and recent cases that could affect working practices. 



Endorsed by CIHT for CPD - Approved Training Provider

IHE approved CPD - IHE Approved Highway Engineering Academy Training


Also available as an online training course.

Please note the online version of this training course will be split into modules.

Aims & Objectives:

This course has been specifically designed for those who have practical experience of highway issues. Topics will be dealt with in detail and delegates are encouraged to participate from their personal experience.

Case law updates as well as interpretation of existing statutory provisions will be considered in detail. Duties of a local highway authority and the manner in which a highway authority takes decisions will also be discussed. 

Course Outline:

  • Highway Law and cross reference to other legislation
  • Creation and Adoption of Highways - dedication, Private Street works, the Advance Payments code and section 37, 38 and 278 agreements
  • Highway Maintenance - Duties in relation to maintenance and repair
  • Special defence
  • Powers of entry
  • Trading in the Highway
  • Traffic Regulation Orders and signage
  • Schemes and Orders - Sections 14 Highways Act 1980 Compensation and statutory rights to compensate and when claims can be rejected
  • Legal Challenges - Issues that will make an authority vulnerable to challenge, Judicial Reviews
  • Various case laws to clarify parts of the Highways Act and the authorities duties

Mode of Delivery:

  • Initial Assessment
  • Detailed consideration of course notes 
  • Interactive Exercises 
  • Discussion 
  • Feedback Activity 

Benefits of Attending:

For practical purposes, participants will gain up-to-date knowledge of highway law. Interaction with others attending the seminar in similar positions will also have a beneficial effect.

Intended For:

Those who have practical experience of highway issues. 

Pre-Course Requirements:

A clear understanding and experience of highway issues. 

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