Highway Asset Management - An Introduction

Asset Management is one of the key tools that highway engineers have to ensure that their reducing resources can be used in the most effective and efficient way. 

The course provides a comprehensive introduction and refresher to the complex issue of successful highway asset management for those new to the field and those currently working within it.


Aims & Objectives:

Participants who complete the course will have an enhanced understanding of the importance of successful highway asset management. This includes its relevance to the current Department for Transport (DfT) Self-Assessment process, the opportunities it offers to make effective use of reducing highway maintenance budgets and the current legal framework within which it sits.

The course is designed to ensure participants can clearly understand the importance of interventions linked to an enhanced asset management policy, strategy and plan which are clearly understood and supported organizationally and politically. 

They will understand the current legal framework, the current links to funding and the potential changes which may happen in the future. 

Course Outline:

Introduction to Asset Management

  • A brief history of asset management
  • The principles of asset management
  • Policy, Strategy and Plan

Legal Framework

  • The current legal framework
  • Code of Practice - Well Managed Highway Infrastructure
  • The Risk Based Approach

Financial Management 

  • Department for Transport Self-Assessment 
  • Gross Replacement Cost
  • Depreciated Replacement Cost
  • Whole of Government Accounting

Asset Management Data 

  • The collection of data 
  • Storage 
  • How to use data efficiently 
  • Lifecycle Planning 

Political Interface and Future Developments

  • Asset management in a political environment 
  • Articificial intelligence 

Mode of Delivery:

  • Presentations 
  • Interactive Exercises
  • Individual or Group Exercises
  • Discussion 

Benefits of Attending:

Participants will gain an enhanced understanding of the importance of effective asset management which will enable them to make improved treatment and investment decisions. 

Intended For:

Participants new to the field of highway asset management and those needing to refresh their understanding with an update on current best practice.

Pre-Course Requirements:

There are no pre-course requirements.

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