Influencing & Negotiating Skills


This extremely practical course will introduce participants to a range of well established tools and techniques used in influencing and negotiation situations.

Aims & Objectives:

On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Prepare for a negotiation situation
  • Conduct effective negotiations
  • Achieve a win win outcome when dealing with others
  • Identify their own power base and influencing style

Participants will practice influencing and negotiating skills using a number of case studies and role play situations. In addition to this, participants will leave the course with a clear understanding how to prepare for and understand the other side's position.

Course Outline:


  • What is negotiation and what is influencing?
  • Preparing for negotiations - pitfalls and strategies
  • Negotiating strategies of successful negotiators
  • Achieving a win win outcome

Personal power and influence

  • Power bases and personal power profile
  • Using personal power to influence others

This highly interactive programme is delivered using a mixture of tutor input, group discussions and activities. Delegates get to apply the skills being learnt in a number of practical case studies and role plays.

You will gain confidence to develop your own personal approach to influencing and negotiating. The feedback from the course tutor and fellow participants will enable you to alter your style to increase your effectiveness and ultimately your success in achieving your desired outcome.

Intended For:

This course is a good introduction to influencing and negotiating and is ideal for technical specialists or managers who need to influence or negotiate with suppliers or internal colleagues. They will develop clear insights into the tactics being used and how to counter this tactics to achieve a successful outcome.


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