Manual for Streets - An Overview of the Design Document

The Highway Engineer's role in the planning and design process has become highly complex over the last few years with numerous documents and design criteria becoming available, the most relevant being Manual for Streets (MfS).

This course is aimed at those either new to the development control and planning process or those who need an update on this new document - particularly as it now form a fundamental part of the planning process.

The course will give a general understanding of this document in the context of the planning process, urban design and regeneration.

Content on the Designing Streets document is adapted for delegates needing information in relation to Scotland.


Endorsed by CIHT for CPD - Approved Training Provider

IHE approved CPD - IHE Approved Highway Engineering Academy Training


Aims & Objectives:

To enable the delegate to be able to:

  • Undertake designs to the design requirements of MfS
  • Understand the latest requirements for junctions and parking standards
  • Determine how best to design a junction and residential housing development
  • Establish how to use data and calculation for the design of visibility splays
  • State the pros and cons of the MfS and when it should/should not be used
  • Understand part of the planning process and how this fits into the engineer's role
  • Develop ideas on how to overcome a Highway Engineering issue
  • Examine and judge the relevance of presented

The Engineer should have a greater knowledge of the design and planning process, which would enable future designs to comply with this document.

Course Outline:

  • Streets in Context - Introduction
  • The design process
  • Layout and Connectivity
  • Quality
  • Street Users Needs
  • Street Geometry
  • Parking
  • Traffic Signing
  • Street Furniture
  • Materials
  • Adoption and Maintenance
  • The document in the regeneration and urban design process
  • Worked examples and exercises

Mode of Delivery:

A combination of:

  • Tutor Presentations
  • Interactive Exercises and Discussions
  • Open workshops
  • Question and Answer Sessions
  • The course present a general understanding of MfS and how to use this new document
  • Delegate will be able to recognise whether or not the MfS is the right document to use in certain circumstances

Intended For:

Technicians, Engineers and anyone else involved in the use of this document. It will be particularly useful for those involved in the planning and development process.

  • Delegates should bring with them a copy of a scheme - where appropriate and should have an awareness of Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

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