Relax and Unwind


Learn some easy ways to relax while you go about your daily business - no-one need know you're doing it and you don't have to tie yourself in knots or break out into a sweat!

Aims & Objectives:

Aims & Objectives:

On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Practice three simple breathing techniques that can help them release some of the stress induced chemicals in the body
  • perform some useful movements and stretches that can release tension: these can be done on a chair, in a car, while waiting at the photocopier etc
  • use a proven and simple relaxation technique

Delegates will realise that they are not alone in experiencing tension and stress and there are ways they can help themselves.

Course Outline:

  • sitting and breathing correctly
  • safe neck & shoulder exercises
  • spinal twists
  • breathing techniques
  • mindfulness
  • relaxation
  • Interactive Exercises
  • Individual or Group Exercises
  • Discussion if appropriate
  • 'I feel like a new woman!'
  • 'I thought there were some good ideas I would try out.'
  • 'Thanks - I feel refreshed.'
  • 'You made me realise that I don't need to wait for my yoga class - I can relax by myself at my desk'
  • 'Useful session - I will try the breathing.'

Intended For:

The session will benefit anyone who is experiencing a heavy work load or who works in a stressful environment.
It can be done with a minimum of 6 participants up to very large groups depending on having adequate space.

Completion of a simple and confidential declaration of any health problems

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