Bills of Quantities for Highway Works

The Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works is used for the preparation of the majority of UK highway construction and maintenance schemes (both on Trunk roads including Motorways and roads which are the responsibility of Local Authorities). It consists of Volumes 0 to 6 inclusive. The Employer's technical requirements are set out in accordance with Volumes 1 and 2, the Specification for Highway Works and it deals with methods of billing and payment issues.

This course gives delegates the opportunity to understand how Volume 4 operates in order to ensure that bills of quantities are prepared properly so that Contractors make due allowance for including elements of work when tendering and claim those items to which they are contractually entitled in payment statements. Practical exercises are included to ensure that delegates are fully familiar with the system.



Endorsed by CIHT for CPD - Approved Training Provider

IHE approved CPD - IHE Approved Highway Engineering Academy Training



Also available as an online training course.

Please note the online version of this training course will be split into modules.


The Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works is used for the preparation of the majority of UK highway construction and maintenance schemes (both on Trunk roads including Motorways and roads which are the responsibility of Local Authorities). It consists of Volumes 0 to 6 inclusive. The Employer's technical requirements are set out in accordance with Volumes 1 and 2, the Specification for Highway Works and it deals with methods of billing and payment issues.

This course gives delegates the opportunity to understand how Volume 4 operates in order to ensure that bills of quantities are prepared properly so that Contractors make due allowance for including elements of work when tendering and claim those items to which they are contractually entitled in payment statements. Practical exercises are included to ensure that delegates are fully familiar with the system.

Aims & Objectives:

On completion of this course, delegates will:

  • Understand the role of and how to use each of the three Sections that comprise Volume 4 of the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works, Bills of Quantities for Highway Works
  • Be able to compile bills of quantities which accord with the requirements of the MCHW
  • Be able to compile/check Contractor's payment statements prepared under the MCHW

At the end of the course, participants should be confident in the use of Volume 4 to compile/check bills of quantities/Contractor's payment statements, so that they are within the requirements of the MCDH.

Course Outline:

Session 1: Preamble
The role of the Design Manual for Roads & Bridges and the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works. The contents of the current version of the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works. Volume 4 in context.

Session 2: Volume 4 Section 1 The Method of Measurement for Highway Works
How the system works including consideration of General Directions, Itemisation Tables and the importance and applicability of Item Coverage.

Session 3: Exercise 1 Preparing a list of items required for a Bill of Quantities

Session 4: Volume 4 Section 2 The Notes for Guidance on the Method of Measurement for Highway Works
The importance of referring to this Section whenever Sections 1 and 3 are used.

Session 5: Volume 4 Section 3 The Library of Standard Item Descriptions for Highway Works (LSID)
How to word items properly.

Session 6: Exercise 2 Preparing a Bill of Quantities

Session 7: Miscellaneous Exercises Demonstrating various facets of Volume 4

Session 8: Review and Discussion

  • Initial Assessment
  • Group Exercises

"Excellent instructor, a very good tutor".
"Very good informative course".


Intended For:

  • Those using the MCHW for the preparation of tenders for highways construction and maintenance schemes
  • Those pricing such tenders
  • Those responsible for dealing the MCHW measurement issues and working for the Employer, Engineer, Project Manager or Contractor

Pre-Course Requirements:

Delegates must bring a copy of a reasonably current edition of Volume 4: Bills of Quantities for Highway Works.

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