Ground Investigation 1 - The Ground Investigation Report

This course aims to give civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists and anyone who has to plan, specify and carry out or supervise ground investigations, a practical understanding of the planning and design of ground investigations. The spectrum of investigation techniques available, the use of the ICE Specification for Ground Investigation, laboratory test scheduling and presentation of results will be covered.

Ground investigation is an essential part of any construction project. The objectives of a ground investigation must be clearly defined according to the nature of the project and its site. The investigation must be designed and executed appropriately so that it will yield the quantity and quality information on ground and ground water conditions necessary for economic design and construction.

This course explains the approach to planning a ground investigation and explains how a ground investigation proceeds from inception, to the preparation of the Ground Investigation Report. The course will include methods used to collect information, the physical process used to investigate the ground including the different in situ tests and sampling methods, followed by a discussion of laboratory tests and interpretation of results.  The course will be based mainly on BS 5930: 2015 Code of Practice for site investigations and reports, HD 22/08 Managing Geotechnical Risk and BSEN 1997-1 & 2 (Eurocode EC7 Parts 1 & 2). 


Approved by The Geological Society


Course Outline:

  • A review of the Ground Investigation process
  • An introduction to Ground investigation specifications
  • Methods of Ground Investigation related to soil and rock types
  • Methods of in situ testing and sampling of soil and rock, instrumentation and monitoring (on site and remotely)
  • Introduction to various geotechnical soil tests
  • Compilation of the Ground Investigation Report (Desk Study, Walk Over, Factual field work, laboratory tests).

Mode of Delivery:

The course will be delivered through:

  • Presentation on the basic principles on each topic
  • Interactive exercises following each topic
  • Open discussion
  • Feedback Activity

Benefits of Attending:

On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Plan and define the scope of a Ground Investigation Report
  • Source preliminary information and data
  • Distinguish the different ground investigation techniques for soil and rock
  • Understand the application of various in situ testing techniques
  • Compile Specifications and Bills of Quantity for Ground Investigations
  • Determine the scope of laboratory tests
  • Identify different soil types and basic classification
  • Appreciate ground condition risks
  • Present field information, in-situ and laboratory test results

Intended For:

This course is designed for geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, and anyone who has to specify site investigations through site investigation reports.

All our courses can be offered as in-house training

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