Urban Drainage Design (Sustainable Drainage Systems SuDS)

Our Urban Drainage Design (Sustainable Drainage Systems SuDS) course will enable engineers and technicians to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of sustainable drainage systems.

Designed for engineers, graduates and technician with an aptitude for mathematics, this course covers the engineering aspects of SuDS design, rather than the amenity and water quality aspects, and is based on the "The SuDS Manual" published by CIRIA.

Please also see our Urban Drainage Design (Piped Foul & Surface Water Systems) course.

Also available as an online training course.

Please note the online version of this training course will be split into modules.


SuDS are gradually attaining acceptance as the preferred method for draining surface water from new developments. For SuDS to operate correctly they require careful attention to the engineering aspects and an understanding of what problems can arise. 

Delegates should finish the course understanding:

  • why SuDS are necessary
  • the types of SuDS available and their uses
  • what we mean by "the management train"
  • determining green field run-off (IH124)
  • simulating a rainfall event
  • determination of infiltration rates
  • how these rates are used in the design and sizing of infiltration devices
  • how to calculate open channel flow capacities
  • methods for controlling surface water 
  • adoption, maintenance and safety considerations

Aims & Objectives:

  • Why SuDS is important on all new developments
  • What is required of site investiagtions to BRE365
  • What is involved in estimating green field run-off
  • Open channel flow with reference to swales
  • Adoption and maintenance issues
  • How to intergrate SuDS into urban layouts and the need for early engineer involvement 

Course Outline:

The course will comprise of sections on:

  • Why SuDS?
  • The types and uses of SuDS
  • The Management Train
  • IH124
  • BRE365
  • Manning's channel flow
  • Adoption and maintenance
  • Safety considerations

Mode of Delivery:

  • Assessment of needs and capabilities of delegates
  • Presentation by tutor with illustrations and photographs
  • Group and individual exercises
  • Summary

Benefits of Attending:

  • understanding the basics of SuDS design
  • what to expect from site investigations
  • how to estimate green field run-off rates
  • how to size infiltration devices
  • how to size swales and other open channels
  • who will mainatin SuDS

Intended For:

An introductory course for Engineers, Technicians and others who need to understand the engineering aspects of SuDS design from both a design and a regulation standpoint.Civil engineering consultants involved in land development, civil engineering contractors involved in land development, developers, local authorities reviewing land development proposals, water companies and public authorities or private companies with responsibility for drainage systems.

Pre-Course Requirements:

  • Delegates to come equipped with a scientific calculator, pencil and scale rule
  • The course requires some mathematical ability
All our courses can be offered as in-house training

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