Environmental Policy Statement

Symmons Madge Associates is a training and consultancy company that works in the construction and construction related industries. The company has a head office in Cowbridge in the Vale of Glamorgan. It’s training courses are delivered throughout the UK to a range of organisations by a network of tutors.

The company has a number of minor environmental impacts relating to the following areas: waste, energy purchasing, office consumables and staff transport. The Company is seeking to improve it’s environmental performance in each of these areas.

The company has a range of environmental courses. These make a positive contribution to the understanding of delegates and the environmental peformance of the organisations that they represent. Overall therefore it is considered that Symmons Madge Associates has a positive environmental performance and does not adversely impact upon the environment.

Several items of environmental legislation apply to the company and in particular regarding waste. The company will comply with all regulatory requirements concerning the environment.


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